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Operate safe, efficient, & compliant laboratories with seamlessly integrated best-in-class software

Scientist trusted. EHS & Lab Ops approved.

Operate safe, efficient, & compliant laboratories with seamlessly integrated best-in-class software

Scientist trusted. EHS & Lab Ops approved.

Operate safe, efficient, & compliant laboratories with seamlessly integrated best-in-class software

Scientist trusted. EHS & Lab Ops approved.

Operate safe, efficient, & compliant laboratories with seamlessly integrated best-in-class software

Scientist trusted. EHS & Lab Ops approved.

Unite EHS, Lab Operations, and Scientists

When scientific discovery moves fast and stays safe, we all win. Bring your team together with an integrated software solution built for and trusted by the scientific community.

Medical Surveillance

Track employee health based on job activities easier by integrating with systems you use today, maintaining organizational requirements, while keeping patient data separate and secure.

Equipment Management

Manage and locate lab equipment easier with a comprehensive directory that helps ensure proper safety usage and training requirements.

Inspections & Audits

Improve compliance and efficiency by automating your inspection process and frequency with real-time reporting.

Training LMS

Have confidence your team is up-to-date on the latest safety and hazard training with a comprehensive solution that automates user assignments, requirements, and reminders.

Chemtracker & SDS

Stay organized and manage chemical inventory more efficiently with real-time reconciliation tools and trusted complex regulatory reporting.

Biosafety Management

Maintain higher standards of safety with registration management and real-time oversight into projects, documented amendments, and potential exposures.

Hazardous Waste

Streamline and standardize your waste pick-ups by eliminating the paperwork and time associated with manual, paper-based processes.

Radioisotope Management

Limit guesswork from complex and time-consuming calculations through a complete program, from broad scope license limits to authorized user registrations, and end-to-end reporting.

Incident Management

Reduce lab risk and accurately capture data with a simple way to track and report incidents from initial report to close.

Medical Surveillance

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Track employee health based on job activities easier by integrating with systems you use today, maintaining organizational requirements, while keeping patient data separate and secure.

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Equipment Management

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Manage and locate lab equipment easier with a comprehensive directory that helps ensure proper safety usage and training requirements.

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Inspections & Audits

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Improve compliance and efficiency by automating your inspection process and frequency with real-time reporting.

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Training LMS

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Have confidence your team is up-to-date on the latest safety and hazard training with a comprehensive solution that automates user assignments, requirements, and reminders.

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Chemtracker & SDS

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Stay organized and manage chemical inventory more efficiently with real-time reconciliation tools and trusted complex regulatory reporting.

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Biosafety Management

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Maintain higher standards of safety with registration management and real-time oversight into projects, documented amendments, and potential exposures.

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Hazardous Waste

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Streamline and standardize your waste pick-ups by eliminating the paperwork and time associated with manual, paper-based processes.

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Radioisotope Management

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Limit guesswork from complex and time-consuming calculations through a complete program, from broad scope license limits to authorized user registrations, and end-to-end reporting.

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Incident Management

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Reduce lab risk and accurately capture data with a simple way to track and report incidents from initial report to close.

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RFID Technology

for Chemical Inventory Management



reduction in time spent on common lab safety and operations tasks
reduction in scientist time commitments to EHS and compliance activities
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Run safe, efficient, & compliant labs.
Protect your people, property, and reputation.

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Drive operational excellence with actionable insights

Centralize disparate data sources with industry-proven workflows to reduce time, save money, and mitigate risk.
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Ensure safety compliance without slowing operations

Leverage automation to eliminate time-consuming tasks, reducing costs, frustrations, and potential. non-compliance risks.
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Simplify material tracking and regulatory reporting

Maintain state-of-the-art material tracking and inventory management with the ability to instantly find the information you need when needed.

“No more sending manual reports! We do all inspections on iPads and can get more inspections done per quarter, with a 20% increase. We've reduced follow-up times too. When an inspection goes out, if things don’t get completed, the system automatically triggers emails to follow up.”


Integrates all modules for a simplified user experience. Connect scientists, laboratory operations, and EHS for total transparency, decreasing total operational costs and reducing personal and organizational risk.

Permission-based management levels and access controls
Organize and store documents/SOPs.
Integrated directory of users, spaces, hazards & job activities
Identify real-time insights and trends.
Generate safety signage.